Welcome to the MarvellousMe Teacher Quiz. Enter your details and hit 'Next' to begin. Get 80% or more right and we'll send you a certificate to display in your classroom, and enter you in to a monthly prize draw for a MarvellousMe hoodie. Name School Email 1. How do you access the MarvellousMe Teacher system? On a laptop, desktop PC, or Apple or Android tablet. On a mobile phone. None 2. What is the recommended browser to use MarvellousMe on, if using it on a PC? Internet Explorer Safari Chrome Firefox None 3. What makes MarvellousMe different from other communication systems? Teachers use it to better engage parents in their child's learning and praise. It's only used by the office to send home general messages about school matters. None 4. What do you use to tell parents specifically about their child’s learning? Activities. Badges. Messages. None 5. How many times do teachers typically send learning-led news home through MarvellousMe? Every day. 2-3 times per week. Once a month. Once a term. None 6. What do you use to praise a child for good behaviour, achievements and school awards? Activities. Badges. Messages. None 7. What do you use to send parents a general message or reminder? Activities. Badges. Messages. None 8. Which icon do you select to attach a file (e.g. homework sheet)? House. Camera. Paperclip. None 9. What is the ideal file type for worksheets and letters to be attached as? PDF. Word. Excel. None 10. Can parents message back? Whenever they want to disturb me. Sometimes. Never None 11. How can you see the MarvellousMe history for a specific child? Look out the window. Tap their character. Tap their name or look in ‘Insights’. None 12. How can you change the avatars for the children? Tap their name to change it for an individual, or go to 'Set up' to change it randomly for the class. Tap their character. Look in ‘Insights’. None 13. Where can you find a child’s join code and check their parents join status? In ‘Insights’. In ‘Teach’. In ‘Setup’. None 14. How do you show and hide counters, and reset them? Tap your name and ‘Counters’. In ‘Setup’. In ’Insights’. None 15. Where can you see a history of your MarvellousMe’ sent? In ‘Setup’. In ‘Teach'. In ’Insights’. None 16. What is a Home Task? A way to make children smile. A way to notify parents there is a learning exercise. None 17. Where can you see which parents have ticked a Home Task as ‘Done’? In ‘Setup’. In ’Insights’. In ‘Teach'. None 18. How do you create subgroups? You can't. In ‘Setup’. None 19. What does the small gold star on any Activity or Badge mean? It’s a school priority, and you can’t change or delete it. It's a full moon and clear sky. None 20. How do you flag a Home Task? Tap the green circle with the white house icon, when sending a MarvellousMe. Shout at parents through the school gate. Send a carrier pigeon. None 21. What happens if you send a message in error, or with a mistake? The school office can delete it for you, or get in contact with us via our website and we'll come to the rescue. Sorry! There’s nothing you can do. None 22. How do you create custom groups of children, such as mixed classes? You can’t. Ask the office to do this for you. None 23. How do you get all your parents joined up? Look in our 'Help and Tips' for ideas and resources, such as sending reminder letters, awarding a Super Parent badge, and using our EAL letters. Give up on the first attempt. None 24. How does a separated parent, grandparent or carer join up to the Parent app as well as the primary parent? Using the same join code that the primary parent joined up with. A parent can also invite other family members and carers to join up through the app. Unfortunately, they can't. None 25. What is a MemoryBook? A PDF of a child MarvellousMe Activities and badges. A PDF of a child MarvellousMe Activities, Badges and Messages. None 26. Can MarvellousMe auto tally House points? Yes. The admin system can report any group, team or cohort. No. None 27. Where can you get help and tips? On Netflix. Tap your name and ‘Help’. None Time's up