Welcome to the Admin Checklist. Enter your details and hit 'Next' to begin. Name School Email 1. Have you given the staff their logins? Yes No (These were automatically emailed to you when your school’s MarvellousMe account was set up. These may go into your junk mail inbox.) None 2. Have you bookmarked the MarvellousMe School Admin login page on your computer? Yes (Remember to always use Chrome as your internet browser.) No None 3. Have you checked that all staff are assigned to their relevant groups, including those who class share, or who need whole school access? Yes No (Please go to page 12 of our Admin Tutorial PDF for guidance.) 4. Do you know how to bulk print the parent join code letters, one group at a time? And have you put a note in your diary to run a reprint for anyone still to join for 2-3 weeks post launch? Yes No (Please go to page 15 of our Admin Tutorial PDF for guidance.) None 5. Do you know how to help parents sign up, including split families? Yes No (Please go to page 14 of our Admin Tutorial PDF for guidance.) None 6. Do you know where to access translations of the join code letters for EAL parents? Yes No (Please go to https://marvellousme.com/schoolbag/) None 7. Do you know how to add Teachers and Pupils that join your school ad-hoc throughout the school year? Yes No (Please go to pages 11-12 of our Admin Tutorial PDF for guidance.) None 8. Do you know how to add new Groups e.g. lunchtime clubs, mixed year learning interventions? Yes No (Please go to pages 21-27 of our Admin Tutorial PDF for guidance.) None 9. Do you know where to see who has joined for each child and how to drill into their details (e.g. the email address they signed up with.) Yes No (Please go to page 36 of our Admin Tutorial PDF for guidance.) None 10. Have you confirmed with your MarvellousMe Champion which staff members should receive the automated weekly snapshot email, and have you set up them accordingly? Yes. No. (Please go to page 19 of our Admin Tutorial PDF for guidance.) None 11. Can MarvellousMe auto tally House points? Yes. No. (You can add Houses as special report filters in 'Group Management' and then view the Insights reports and Badge Scorecard to see all badges awarded to each House.) None 12. Have you confirmed with your MarvellousMe Champion which QuickLinks they want and have they been set up them accordingly? Yes No (Please go to page 16 of our Admin Tutorial PDF for guidance.) 13. Have you confirmed with your MarvellousMe Champion which School Badges they want and have they been set up them accordingly? Yes No (Please go to page 18 of our Admin Tutorial PDF for guidance.) 14. Do you know how to send MarvellousMes to parents through the Admin system? Yes No (Please go to page 29 of our Admin Tutorial PDF for guidance.) None 15. Do you know how to view full details of all the MarvellousMes sent out by your school, including their attachments? Yes No (Please go to page 33 of our Admin Tutorial PDF for guidance.) None 16. Have you followed MarvellousMe on social media? Yes No (Please go to our Admin Training page.) None 17. Where can you get help and tips? By telephoning us. By emailing us By looking in the tutorial Time's up