What is MarvellousMe

Designed by a once disengaged dad, MarvellousMe is different from messaging systems, social media and solo teacher apps within primary schools. It involves and equips parents with personal, positive and progress-led news, giving leaders the ability to focus parent engagement on important topics and school values. Providing analytics to ensure whole school consistency, and peace-of-mind that data is managed centrally, securely and in the UK under the GDPR.

“MarvellousMe is the best thing that we have ever done to engage parents in their children’s learning.”

Andrew Sharp, Headteacher, Nottingham.

Key features

MarvellousMe gets parents’ attention and makes them smile.

It gives them personal, positive and valuable information.

It inspires the whole family, and is perfect for separated and working parents.

MarvellousMe is a whole school solution. Leaders can manage, measure and evidence parent engagement.

It aligns to, and underpins, school priorities.

It improves results, and saves time and money.

MarvellousMe is a whole school solution. Leaders can manage, measure and evidence parent engagement.

It aligns to, and underpins, school priorities.

It improves results, and saves time and money.

What users are saying

Parent engagement is one of the most effective ways to improve test scores, boost character development and confidence, and help children become more powerful learners. The more parents and children have good conversations about school, the better pupils achieve. MarvellousMe makes these family conversations happen.

Bill Lucas, Professor of Learning and co-author of 'Educating Ruby'University of Winchester

This is home-to-school communication at its best. MarvellousMe is a fantastic, school-wide solution that enables us to share positive feedback with our parents, so that they can be fully engaged in their children’s learning.

Mrs. Kemp-Hall, Principal

Parents value the regular information shared by teachers through the school's MarvellousMe system.

Ofsted Inspection Report

We love MarvellousMe! I’ve never had an initiative go down so well with parents, children and staff! It’s wonderful because the children are actively getting their parents involved. It's been so popular with parents who are separated and dads say how included they feel.

Kate Chisholm, Headteacher

I love MarvellousMe. It’s so quick and easy. I use it with my class to reinforce their learning and to praise those who have done well. Children are really motivated by knowing that their parents are instantly told the good news.

Mrs. Spencer, Teacher

I love MarvellousMe and can't wait to get back to sending more updates to parents in September! I'm going to beat my 7,846 Hi5s for this school year!

Joanne Brereton, Teaching Assistant

We are all buzzing about the impact of MarvellousMe. The children are so pleased when they get badges and parents only have positive things to say. We have seen impact on reading at home and teachers comment that children and parents are working together more.

Sam Walker, Headteacher

Pupils particularly like the MarvellousMe initiative.

Ofsted Inspection Report

An amazing app! Finally, I can see what my son has been doing at school. Asking him is like getting blood from a stone.


I overheard a lovely conversation as a parent picked up their child and commented: 'You've been working hard in maths today, what did you do?'

Mrs. Cooper, Deputy Headteacher

Parents love MarvellousMe. It enables them to easily talk with their children about the school day. Parents sometimes feel they only hear bad news. MarvellousMe enables them to hear the good news too.

Mrs. White, SENCO

It’s amazing that you can see what I’m doing in school.

Year 6 pupil to her mother

We did a survey last year on MarvellousMe and 96% parents came back with they loved it!

Sarah Willox, School Administrator

Find out more

Watch our video to learn more about MarvellousMe or book a 10 minute Demo following the link below.
